Working from home

In light of the restrictions that prevented many workers from physically going into work during the pandemic, the eligibility requirements for the government’s working from home tax relief were loosened.

As a result, if you had to work from home for a brief duration, you could have been able to fully qualify for the tax reduction for the tax years 2020–2021 and/or 2021–2022.

Be advised, however, that the eligibility requirements were tightened starting 6th April 2022, so you might no longer qualify for this tax relief.

What’s changed?

Even though there are tighter restrictions on who may submit claims, you may still be qualified for the tax break if circumstances beyond your control force you to work from home. This is applicable if you don’t have a location to work or if there are any government regulations that force you to work from home.

If your employment requires you to reside far from your office and making a daily commute would be unjustifiable for you, you could also be eligible to apply for this relief.

What can you claim?

The amount you are eligible to claim hasn’t changed from prior years. If you qualify for the relief, you can choose between claiming £6 each week starting on April 6, 2020, or the precise amount of the expenditures you incurred in excess of the weekly sum.

You must provide proof of the additional expenses, such as invoices, contracts, or receipts, in order to claim them.

What are you required to do?

If you have previously claimed the working from home tax credit, your tax code could have been affected.

You must determine if you are still qualified for this relief because if you are not, you can be getting tax benefits to which you are no longer entitled.

You must tell HMRC to withdraw your prior claim in order to rectify this and prevent underpaying PAYE.


If you need help with claiming tax reliefs, please get in touch with us at