Trying to properly analyse the fallout following the result to leave the EU is a huge task.

For the business world trying to talk about any other subject at the moment is pointless, as the sheer scale of the fallout is still being grappled with and will be felt for some time yet.

So, as accountants here in Solihull, a profession which deals with facts and figures, we think it’s time to try and take the politics out of what’s happening and give some thoughts “post-Brexit” for the business community.

Firstly, let’s deal with things as they are right now. At the moment, we are still in the EU. We have not activated Article 50, which serves our notice on the severance of membership.

The speculation about when or if we will do this or even if there will be a second referendum is just guesswork.

Only when the dust settles, whenever that may be can we really start to make sense of what’s happened. The only certainty is that it’s a time of huge change.

However, whilst our political parties and the EU sort themselves out it’s the responsibility of business people to actually take the reins.

When it comes down to it, businesses are the ones who have the vision and ideas that create wealth and prosperity.

We urge all our clients, and indeed all readers, not to allow uncertainty to stop going you forging ahead with your plans.

The Brexit saga will continue on for some time, and the world won’t be on an even keel for a good while yet, but that shouldn’t stop us all getting on with business as usual.

The resourceful amongst us will continue to use their skills to create opportunity, regardless of what’s going on around them.

If you would like to talk about any business or accountancy problem, call us at AIT today on 0121 711 1957.

We are always here to help.