There’s an old saying that if it isn’t broke don’t fix it.


That could be applied to the result of the General Election, which has David Cameron smiling and waving in triumph, whilst Labour and the Lib Dems lick their wounds wondering what to do next.


As accountants, we are not social commentators on party politics and this is not the aim of this blog, but it is to look at the ramifications for business following weeks of uncertainty.


And we are pleased to say that the omens are good. As it became clear what the result was the pound rose and shares were on the up as confidence began to restore to British business.


It has been the historical view that a Conservative government is regarded as the best for business, and recent times have given no reason to argue against this.


We have seen a gradual recovery and whilst borrowing of money is still harder than it should be it is better than it was not so long ago.


For those in business the recession/credit crunch of a few years ago under a Labour watch still remains burned indelibly in our minds. Therefore, business leaders wooed by the Blair years reverted back to the Tories when given the chance at the last election.


Any miniscule hope of Labour winning the hearts and minds of the businessman was extinguished a month ago when, over 100 business leaders, including ones with the celeb factor like Duncan Bannatyne and Karen Brady sent the Telegraph a letter saying why Labour would be bad for British business.


These respected captains of industry employing more than 500,000 people added that the Conservatives last five years have supported investment and job creation.


So, David Cameron is in charge again until the end of this decade at the earliest. We hope and are confident that throughout the land it will be demonstrated that Britain is back in business.


We hope the markets are correct and all of us in business, big or small will prosper.